Therefore, it is of no coincidence that the adjusted monetary base, the mount of money printed by the U.S. central bank, has equally expanded (in absolute terms). Notice the trend; it is almost identical in both charts.

“Austrian” Theory of the Business Cycle tells us that the pursued economic policies, although causing a momentary and illusory restoration of economic stability, are sowing the seeds of the next crisis. It is difficult to appreciate any other time in history where there have been no major wars and fiscal discipline being excessively out of order. The “Austrian” economists, whom I count myself to be among them, were the only ones who called the 2008 economic collapse. We are the voice in the wilderness warning those who are being led by false economic prophets. Timing is difficult to predict, but as each day passes by, we are getting closer to our next political and economic crisis. Unless dramatic and unprecedented (at least in terms of our generation) changes in policies and incentives take place, this is a foregone conclusion.
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